The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco uses 129,000 kilometres of wire in its two main cables.

If you used 4.00mm wire you could possibly save USD $117,990 (thats USD $10 per tonne of wire in Zinc material saved)

Estimate your savings with EMW

The Gas Gravel Wiping System

The PWT designed and installed Gas Gravel Wiping System is for galvanising operations that require a thicker layer of zinc at wire speeds normally in the range of DV 120 to DV 160.

Essentially the wire passes through a loose gravel bed in a controlled atmosphere consisting of hydrogen sulphide and a reducing gas for Class 3 Coating. Out of this a zinc sulphide layer (shiny, non-oxidised coating) is formed.

The zinc sulphide layer has greater tensile strength and elasticity than zinc oxide and allows a fast withdrawal of the wire without a break-down of the skin.